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Five style hat

CROWNS To lower crowns: 1. Cut off on a line “becoming to the individual. 2. Make creases, tucks, o: folds.

Crease around entire crown.. For coarse or “braid straws where the crease needs to “be steamed in, cut and use as a mold a strip of cardlDoard as long as the head size and as wide as the distance “between brim line and top fold of crown. Remove cardhoard only after the straw is thoroughly dry.

Crease at each side. One fold may “be ^ long and deep, the other short and shallow, depending on the effect that proves most “becoming.

Pinch a fold across center or side of crown and stitch at “base. Leave fold standing upright or press flat, then “block crown, Crush. Hold folds in place “by tacking them to a strip of ri”b”bon laid inside the crown. ^n:–. / Make a new crown top of overlapped grosgrain, or of fahric that matches a coat, dress, or scarf. Fit this over a hat mold or saucepan padded to form the right size and shape. Make a new sectional crown, using either fabrics or grosgrain riblDon. ^ – 6 – To heighten crowns: 1. Set crown onto a strip of sized fabric of right width. Cover with a ribhon hand or other harmonizing material. 2. Rehlock one-piece hats, such as felts made of material that stretches or with “brims that may be drawn in to form additional crown height. The hat may “be fashioned into a. tiir” or have a brim of different material.

LGN Kings & Queens

Clothing Line Get featured ✨ #lookgoodnow Worldwide ~ #livhats Sales Inquiries: +4407947333384 (wattsapp) Bespoke, Branding & Millinery. #lgnmillinery

LGN MILITARY – Free Millinery Lesson [ ] Look Good Now

Many hats, faded, out of shape and out of fashion can “be renovated if they are not torn or broken. The first thing to do is to look them over carefully and study their possibilities, at the same time examining pictures of the season’s hats in reliable, current fashion books. it is possible to get a variety of ideas as to correct sizes, shapes, and ways of •wearing the new hats. Observe all details closely, for it is only by doing this that renovated hats can be produced without that “home-made look.”


Carefully cut off all the trimmings from the hat to be remodeled and try on and experiment with the shape to get an idea of what will be most becoming in an up-to-date style. The hat may then be cleaned, reblocked to the desired shape, trimmed or finished. Some materials such as straws may need to be shell aced and sized to restore their original finish. #lookgoodnow #lgnhats #bossesmade ivhats#js4c #purejohn #lovegodnow #ajab #livhats #roadrunner #business #motivation #mentoring #bossesmade #accessories #streetstyle #look #stylish #lgnmilitary


A closely woven, light-colored straw hat, such as a leghorn, panama, or milan, can be cleaned by washing with a suds of lul^ewarm soft water and neutral soap. Dip the hat in the suds and scrub lightly with a soft cloth until it is clean. Then rinse thoroughly to remove all the soap and lay in the shade to drain for a short time before blocking. If the straw is coa^rse and loosely woven it is safer not to dip the hat in water but to sponge it lightly with a cloth dampened in lukewarm water. Do not use much water or the straw will slip and slide and may even come apart.

LGN Kings & Queens

Clothing Line Get featured ✨ #lookgoodnow Worldwide ~ #livhats Sales Inquiries: +4407947333384 (wattsapp) Bespoke, Branding & Millinery.

Fashions for sport and evening wear by PureJohn’s

Fashions for sport and evening wear, all made from Bemberg rayon. Narration: Muriel Evans. Photography: John Livingston. Art Director: Alfred Pan(?). Sound Engineer: Walter Hicks. Production Manager: S.E. Harrison. With Dorothy Fa(?) (Carol); Francis Goodwin (Jane); Ruth Bra(?) (Alice); Ann Rountree (Gloria); Marjorie Hawthorne (Patsy); Bette Miller (Martha); Helen Dillard. Fashion Director: Tobe. In Technicolor.

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LGN Kings & Queens

Clothing Line Get featured ✨ #lookgoodnow Worldwide ~ #livhats Sales Inquiries: +4407947333384 (wattsapp) Bespoke, Branding & Millinery. #lgnmillinery

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